How To Improve Customer Experience For Your E-commerce Store

customer experience ecommerce

Uncover practical insights into customer experience e-commerce to boost satisfaction, streamline navigation, and foster lasting connections with this guide. Transform your online business to stand out in the competitive digital landscape. Businesses that prioritize improving customer experience (CX) report an uptick in revenue, with 84% affirming this positive outcome. Elevate your brand by prioritizing the customer journey today. Step […]

Customer Success Metrics For SaaS Companies


Amidst the pandemic challenges, understanding customer success metrics for SaaS becomes vital in navigating the business landscape. According to Smartkarrot, “84% of people say that customer success will go to offense mode from defense mode in the next 2 years.” The SaaS or Software-as-a-service companies have also gone through the same issue. What if we […]

Customer Engagement Model: How To Build One For Your Business?

If you are a small business owner, you might be focused on increasing your reach and getting newer customers, which is very crucial. But can also drain your wallet! That’s because getting new customers can be 5 times more expensive than retaining a current one. Moreover, the current business world is flooded with similar products […]

Why it is Important to Empower Customer Service Team: A Comprehensive Guide

Empower customer service team

Why should you empower your customer service team when you could focus your efforts towards maximizing your reach or invest in other aspects of your organization? According to Helplama’s customer service survey, 50% of the consumers cited ‘unskilled customer representatives’ as a reason for ending business relationships with a company. This means it can be […]

Shoppers’ Digital Path to Purchases – 81% of Shoppers Research Online Before Buying In-store!

81% of shoppers research online before making purchase in-store

Last Updated:  With evolving technology, consumers’ lives have become increasingly digital. Be it communicating with friends or making purchases, everything is being done digitally. This evolution has also empowered shoppers to make the right purchase decisions. As per research by GE Capital, 81% of shoppers research online before buying in-store. This means consumers already start […]

50+ Customer Service Stats [Outsourcing, Experience, Loyalty, and Automation]

Customer service stats outsourcing

Last Updated:  Customer service is a thing that keeps evolving, so do customer expectations. Traditional ways of serving customers that have been in use for the past decade, may not be able to satisfy today’s modern customers. In this modern era, customer service has become an important factor that consumers consider while or before doing […]

5 Tips to Revive Failed Customer Loyalty Programs


To retain your customers, you have to think long term. This means thinking not only in terms of sales but also building relationships with them. If your customers feel valued and appreciated, you can generate priceless word-of-mouth publicity. In turn, this stimulates referrals, positive online reviews and lowers marketing costs. This is a key reason […]

Guide to Increasing Customer Retention Through Referral Programs for your Ecommerce Store


The growth of every business, irrespective of its size, depends on its customer growth. While acquiring new customers is critical, another equally important factor in a business’ success is customer retention. Importance of Referral Programs in Customer Retention Customer retention can be a fantastic marketing strategy to help businesses retain customers and stay loyal to […]